​Week 2 - 03/10/2022

For the second week we created a blog on what are we going to do in each week of the term for the Programming animation. During this work shop we took a look about bugs or otherwise known as "interpreted languages". (Well python is actually a high level language rather than a interpreted language).  An high level language is basically a code given for humans that they can understand 

An example of a interpreted language would be: 

print("Hi","there,","how are you?")

print("Hi", "there,"          , "how are you?")

and print("Hi","there,","how are you?")

print("Hi","there,              ","how are you?")

 This command line basically prints out these words that are high lighted from to create a printed message therefore it prints out

Hi, there how are you. The correct way to do it is by using print("Hi","there,","how are you?"). 

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